One day I woke up and decided to scroll through my youtube activity on my phone and came across this video.

Needless to say, once I watched the first few minutes I was super invested and decided to shut the video off and play and experience this game for myself which cuts to this very point today when I finally jumped in. Even after getting ending E and realizing I still have so much more to dig into with this one and get the other endings it took me nearly 6 hours of playing nonstop to get to this point and im truly just lost in thought about this whole experience. The instantaneous feeling of dread and nervousness creeps in the moment you walk through the start of the dungeon before the rabid dogs come in to chew off your legs. I did not expect to have roguelike elements and before I knew it I was tortured, had my head bashed in, and my skin ripped completely off while still trying to crawl to escape. I kind of had this same feeling when I found out about horror rpg maker games like Corpse party that once you first experience it you really cant stop thinking about it for quite some time as the credits roll. I feel like even on the easiest difficulty it is very difficult and you really have to learn through trial and error to be able to get far in this game just to actually save! I kind of wanted to experience a game so grotesque and dark and its just as horrific as I imagined, surely I will have some nightmares tonight that's for damn sure. The art is so disgusting and each enemy and the sound effects they make combined with the creeping ambient music truly immerses you in the worst/best way. It reminds me also of those older point and click and NES games like uninvited where you just have to learn from experience and with a flip of a coin you will either live or die with it completely out of your control which is such a hopeless situation which makes you truly feel helpless as if you were there in the fear and hunger dungeon.

I may be a bit all over the place, but that is what this game can do to you lol I definitely would love more games like this and will definitely play more of this to learn and get better with it. One hell of an experience you surely won't forget and I am still reeling from the abhorrent events that have just transpired!

Also it says this game is Steamdeck verified, however everytime I would play for about 5-10 minutes the game would just give me a black screen and I could hear things, but not see anything which made it even more scary! Wish there was some way to fix that.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023


7 months ago

I was about to add this on my wishlist for my deck reading and skimming the video until I got to the final paragraph lol.

7 months ago

@FallenGrace I am still struggling with starting my next game or going back to play this again and yeah it says verified and it runs good at first, but then just goes to black screen and the frame rate drops at certain parts, I wanted to play it on my tv, but luckily I just got a new laptop recently so I played it on that.

7 months ago

These may be workarounds for the steamdeck I am going to try the second one right away and see what happens, because thats the main issue I ran into was the screen freezing.

7 months ago

Haha yeah I saw the eyepatch wolf vid too and it scared me so bad I never want to play it.

7 months ago

@JezzatheJenius Yeah its a really cool video for one of the most unsettling experiences I have had with a game such as this. It is even worse when you are just playing it alone in your room and just hear the dreading music build up and monstrous sounds sink in and immerse you and that is when the fear and anxiety really start to set in. Kind of reminds me when I was a little kid and got the game over screen while playing Zombies ate my neighbors lol.
i like your username

7 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 Thanks! Glad to hear it!