Gods of Warrrrr! May your hammer be mightyyyy!

Truly a huge emphasis on the narrative which really blew me away with this game and the constant character development from the Ol' school Kratos to the man he is now was great to experience and see. Everything about this game was a major upgrade from the original although I am constantly seeing this same kind of pattern with Horizon, Last of Us, and any other big story-driven sony games. Nonetheless, it was a great playthrough and game, but I would to see some diverge from the typical kind of rabbit hole of side events in these big open-world games. It was crazy how I could not even look at a puzzle for more than five minutes and your companions do not need to be running their mouths 24/7 and have me yelling at the T.V like Adam Sandler saying "ALLRIIIIGHHHHTTTT!!!!" One hell of a lively cast for all the characters, truly the best part of the whole game was the cutscenes and events that would ensue! Pop this in your PlayStation boy because its hammer time!

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022


How do you get the shrek armor

1 year ago

Just sit there and wait 2 minutes then your AI companions will tell you.