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So I'm an idiot and completely forgot that this was listed by season so I guess I should put my thoughts on the state of my relationship with COD here. I already chronicled my love affair with Modern Warfare 2019 it was a very flawed masterpiece that consumed my life pretty much. It somehow perfected the art of the Call Of Duty grind. Just going into a game using .01% of your brain and somehow releasing enough serotonin to make it nearly impossible to stop. So why am I saying this well because this COD sort of picks up the pieces of where the MW left off. To make this not too long, when Cold War dropped I loved it. The engine change made this feel like such a different game, I can't properly describe it but this game felt smoother. MW was gritty and tough this one felt very more light and breezy. Due to the shorter TTK the game felt faster and more impactful and because I put like 500 hours into MW I fell off halfway into season 1 and didn't touch it until my girlfriend left me and I needed to keep myself distracted, it was my comfort food. I grinded out 100 battlepass levels and I think around 175 account levels in this season because it was the perfect get stone put on futurama and mindlessly shoot game. I needed this, it was my home for a little over a month and for that this season means a lot to me. This game is very flawed but it fills that hole of a fast and fun shooter, and a serious addiction is needed.