I've played a lot of really condensed but great puzzle games lately, and color me impressed, I'm happy to add Linelith to the mix. It's a simple concept tied to really clever execution and through its surprisingly intuitive teaching and difficulty curve, it introduces further wrinkles into its ideas while craftily giving you just enough hints to figure out the surprises. No wasted ends on this one (I always love a short but sweet game you can finish in a day), and my only complaint really is that the one song on loop can feel a bit ingratiating in how it just drones on after a half hour or so. Highly recommend this at its MSRP of $3, so it's absolute robbery if this ever goes on sale. A fantastic puzzle hidden gem that should not be overlooked, especially if you like The Witness; needless to say I will never think of corners the same way again.

Reviewed on May 26, 2022


1 year ago

got this because of this review. nearly done with it. its great

1 year ago

Glad you enjoyed it! It was definitely my favorite release of last year and was in my mind one of the best kept secrets of great indie puzzlers. Gonna have to play more of these at some point if I can find more to cover.