12 reviews liked by Dre4mWalker

Finally after many months of giving up and playing the game again, I platinumed this delight, it's my favorite AC and it's the one I've played the most, so I have a special affection for it and finally after a long time I can go to the next game in the franchise.

actually so fucking good and I played it when I had my random pirates-obsessed phase so I was just in heaven. i still come back occasionally just to sail around the map for a bit listening to the shanties.

amazing and beautiful in its own way, which unfortunately is not the assassin's creed way, but hey, still worth it. the setting is perfect, the protagonists are hot what else do you want

a true hidden gem in the ac franchise, almost didn't even play it but i'm so glad i did. some mechanics are a bit wonky but it didn't really affect my overall experience too much.
the story's fun albeit quite short, and i freaked out when i saw a polar bear, 10/10 you need to sail through the arctic under aurora borealis at least once

great game with an interesting story, a badass protagonist and a very satisfying combat system.

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not quite as good as the first one, it improves some things, messes up some others, still very fun tho. really enjoyed the different environments and new machines, the new characters are awesome, it's fun seeing the old characters. the plotline with the zeniths was a bit shit, i prefer the more grounded story of the first one.
the ending was pretty meh and i wasn't really a fan of the set-up for the next one, it's just feeling a bit more crazy each time, with the charm of the original falling apart a bit. but hey we'll see then

EA's little train wreck cash cow. only worth it if you pirate