Krug Games

For as long as anyone can remember, there have been Krug.

The Krug are enemies in the massively popular and influential video game Dungeon Siege. Does your game feature a bland, somewhat orcish group of enemies that you will mindlessly slaughter millions of across a playthrough, only vaguely remembering that they do have a name an NPC told you at some point, your eyes glazing over as you turn yet another into paste? Then buddy, you've got a krug game!
Whilst the concept of kruglike enemies did not originate with Dungeon Siege, "krug" is simply too perfect a name not to use. I won't include games where the enemies are actually named "orcs", since being off-brand is an inherent trait of krug. This means I sadly can't include Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, which is otherwise such a krug game that even the box art is centered on it. If you've sighted any krug, please mention it here so others are aware.

Dungeon Siege
Dungeon Siege
The first known appearance of the Official Krug, the Krug Above All.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo: Combat Evolved
The Brutes are krug.
The Skaarj? The krug.
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins
This game is absolutely full of krug, but they call them "Darkspawn".
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
The Chitauri are 100% pure krugcore (especially the movie ones).
Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate
Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate
Awesome game, but the demons are extremely krug in spirit if not all visually. Look at the little fat lieutenant guys with the masks, those are some of the kruggiest dudes!
Gears of War
Gears of War
The Krug Horde.


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