Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.

This game is genius. You feel a great sense of satisfaction from trying out new things and finding out it works. Each new mechanic they teach you, is attached to a card you've used before. So rather than introduce new abilities every level to make it more interesting, that interest is actually garnered when you realize new ways to complete a previous level you already aced; Every level feels meticulously designed to reward you when you actively try to experiment with the tool's you're given.

You find yourself asking questions like, "What if I ran on the water, used a bomb to launch myself over to the next bomb, and using that bomb to launch me to the finish line? "What if I used 2 bombs at once and just launched myself to the finish line." "What if I saved this bomb, bombed it later, and then bombed again, saving more time than the person telling me to play this game." All of this experimentation is done while you're shooting enemy's from across the map, so that you can turn your 8 second PB into an 7.87 second PB.

Now, for the story, just Press F until you think something mildly interesting is going on or you want more context to what is going on. I just don't understand why they felt to obligated to give it anime writing. Think of what a pimp looks like in your head, that's exactly what I mean when I say anime writing.

Machine Girl did really good on this soundtrack. There's a lot to say about how the first 3 songs feel like you're going deeper and deeper underwater until you're touching the bottom of the ocean--taking in the spectacle of each layer. But I'll just leave one comment:
"House of Cards"
Endlessly falling, you can literally feel the light reflecting off the glass pane windows and right before the song leaves you back at the beginning of the level. Just amazing stuff from Machine Girl, love how developers asked them to take the soundtrack in the direction of one of their best album's, "Infinite Potentiality and Others."

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

dont do cyan hardcore dirty smh