3 Reviews liked by Duck0

Muchas veces me pasa que cuando disfruto mucho de algo el sentimiento se manifiesta en los sueños.
Este juego es un ejemplo fantástico. Soñé que era un gunslinger como Crow y estaba rodeado de enemigos.
La gravedad y el tiempo funcionaban de una manera extraña. Yo solo interpretaba mi mejor papel.
Eniwei, todo el mundo andaba disparando con acrobacias mientras sonaba algo muy parecido a One Note Blues.
Vivan los sueños.

Competitive game aside, this is one of the best representations of martial arts in videogames.
Context and fidelity packaged in the own diegesis.
Diving into it through the ps2 bios
Asphalt and Mist.
Parkings and malls.
Beach, jails , skycrapers.
The new world of technology and globalization.
The setting is the frame of the beginning of the century in Fighting, in which traditional martial arts spread throughout the world and are reconfigured in sports and exercise. contexts coexist with new fighting systems designed for combat itself.
Jin Kazama abandoning his homeland, family and his karate style based on tradition and roots for the Kyokushinkai Karate, more pragmatic and brutal . Learning it in Brisbane (which is famous for the practice of Kyokushinkai), out of its cradle, suggests the expansion of martial arts to various levels that the arrival of a new millennium implies.
in tradition, continuing with the respectful, almost mystical reverential treatment that they once had, or in modernity, redesigned and remixed for the purpose of competition or lethal assault.
No matter the approach, there is room for everything,

In a world where fighting games are remembered for their impact on the medium or for their mechanical quality, Tekken 4 has value as a small Digital portrait of how martial arts have spread and understood throughout the world with the arrival of the new millennium. . Something that can be appreciated through a careful and (mostly) faithful mocap and the reduction of fantastical elements.

Also, fuck the E.V.O .