My thoughts on Sonic 1 constantly go back and forth. On the one hand, it’s a revolutionary part of gaming history and features some of the greatest physics in the industry. On the other… Labyrinth Zone.

No, I’m not kidding. Labyrinth Zone is dreadful. It’s a monstrous set of levels filled with unpredictable hazards, and where Sonic moves like he’s stuck in wet concrete. It’s truly awful and a blight on this game’s legacy… until you beat it. Then you feel like an absolute champion, a true master of this game’s level design, and you’re rewarded with the beautiful Star Light Zone.

The thing about Sonic 1 is that for every bad thing about it, the game throws something awesome at you that completely drowns out the negatives. Marble Zone was too slow? Here’s Spring Yard, have fun with the bumpers! Labyrinth Zone sucks? Here’s Star Light! Scrap Brain Zone Act 3 is one of the cruelest pranks known to man? Use the shortcut at the beginning to skip damn near the entire level! The final boss is anticlimactic? Use the final few seconds to destroy Eggman’s hovercraft and utterly humiliate him!

I love Sonic 1. I hate Sonic 1. But when it works, it’s a blast, and the short runtime ensures that the game doesn’t overstay its welcome. Overall, I love Sonic 1 more than I hate it, so that’s good.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023


10 months ago

I appreciation the mention of the Scrap Brain Act 3 shortcut

10 months ago

Even as someone who mostly tolerates Labyrinth Zone the boss is its worst parts of it all rolled in one. No idea who’d find enjoyment in it.