The Garten of Ban Ban is a misunderstood work of art. As the game starts off we appear in a seemingly abandoned School, supposedly for kindergartners hence the title. As we progress we find a keycard which unlocks a door giving you access to the games coupe de grace: The drone. A massively unique mechanic featuring a mechanical device allowing you to pinpoint locations with your crosshair and use your left mouse button to direct it into the button to press it. Of course, you can only use this after finding the 2 batteries, which are masterfully hidden. After opening a new door you see an unsettling figure peering out from the corner: the antagonist. The bird vanishes, and as you press another button in the eerie school, a playground lights up in front of you. The graphics here truly are mesmerizing, putting realities beauty to a test. The same bird requests 6 eggs for you to find, and each are placed in positions that keep the player engaged, while not causing too much frustration. After you insert the 6 eggs into the avian mouth, it regurgitates yet another keycard, which you use to activate a button that allows you to press a button which opens a door giving you a hammer which allows you to break the opposing barricade. An odd lift over a traumatizing pit lays in front of you, and as you pass you are bestowed a puzzle: You must recall the colors that the mascots vibrantly show throughout the masterful illustrations around the school. After solving the puzzle and grabbing a keycard, the bird is riding over on the same lift you used. You msut quickly use your drone to press a button to pen up a bridge, and hastily cross it to hit the button on the other side to slay the beast. Now entering a new room and hitting 3 more randomly scattered buttons with your crosshair and drone, a lift comes up from the floor... this school is more than meets the eye... As you get on the lift and descend into the dark, the giant green monster, Ban Ban approaches you, and knocks over your lift. This scare startled me to the point I almost turned off my computer in fear... but thankfully, I was greeted with a rewarding victory screen. My mind is boiling to see what kind of fantastic designs will be constructed in the future for the sequel, and I will be purchasing all merch from this game and forcing my family to wear it, in honor of this masterpiece, that saved me from suicide. Nothing in the world can be as interactive and chilling as Garten of BanBan

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2023
