Poinpy 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 28, 2024

Platforms Played


Man this game is so awesome!! Insanely charming visuals a super upbeat and bouncy soundtrack with a very satisfying and addicting gameplay loop. Main mode is tons of fun, although it takes a bit to get to a spot where you can rack up massive combos but once you do get to that point it is absurdly fun. Never got sick of collecting 30+ bonus fruit and cashing them all in to shoot up 17/18 levels instantly. The only frustration is the nature of randomness means you can get kinda stranded without the specific fruit your current recipe needs but items help mitigate that. The side puzzle mode is pretty fun too with some clever little paths that make you feel smart and cool.

I really can’t imagine there being much better in terms of designed for mobile arcade-y games. I think that specific niche has a bit of a ceiling for me but man does this game bump it’s head on that ceiling every time I boot it up! Genuinely this alone is worth at least a one month Netflix subscription, although I wish I could just outright buy it. Great time!!!