please do not play this game on mobile, or at least if you do, use a controller.

this game was a lot of fun, i'm a bit burnt out on roguelikes and this game has most of the standard features and trappings of one, but the style really make up for it. nitrome absolutely knows how to make a game look great and we all know shovel knight music is amazing. the controls are solid, i originally started with touch controls on my phone and it was pretty frustrating... i eventually connected my dualsense controller and instantly had a much better time. i wouldn't say the controls in general feel standout amazing but they feel good and responsive with a controller. the areas are pretty varied and have some fun/interesting gimmicks. the celeste style dash blocks were a standout. the bosses all felt solid too! some interesting gimmicks and some cool new characters (and twists on returning ones) and each one felt good. the relics were okay but none were standout fun, but they were all pretty useful.

my biggest problem is the roguelike style, some rooms get reused and it can feel a bit tiring if you're stuck in a specific level. i will say the game is so short and is good about letting you teleport back to locations if you beat them so it isn't too frustrating and not as bad as some other roguelikes IMO.

i had a good time playing this game, i'd like to pick it up on PC or switch at some point! it's not near the heights of the real shovel knight game but it's probably my favorite shovel knight spin off!

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
