if you're into video games exclusively for stories and characters you will not like this game! i think there's some okay ideas in a pretty poorly written package. character motivations are frustrating and seem pointless and overall it's one of the most generic and boring stories like ever. the voice acting is genuinely really solid for the most part, there's some really great performances but again it's for a poorly written story/characters.

if you're like me though, where you're fine skipping some cutscenes and just generally don't care if a story is bad and just want some really fun traversal and combat this game is pretty solid for that! the world itself is pretty interesting and very gorgeous, it is a bit open and empty in spots, but i don't really mind because traversal is so fast and fun that i'm down to run around big open fields to get to new areas. the side quests and general missions are very generic open world for the most part, it's not anything special but i still find myself wanting to run off to things i saw in the distance and do them real quick again because traversal is so fun!

the combat is really fun! it starts a bit slow, and in my opinion it takes a bit too long to really get going. once it does get going though, there's a ton of spells that work really well together and feel really satisfying to chain together. the fire set was my favorite for sure. i just generally prefer melee combat + all the fire effects were sick and the grapple hook it gives you was super fun for traversal. i don't think any set is weak though, it takes a second to level them up but they all fill solid niches and have cool spells.

this game isn't gonna rock anyone's world, and there's the giant asterisk of you need to be the kind of person that doesn't care if the story is mediocre/straight up bad. if you are that kind of person it's already getting absurdly cheap because the internet decided to make this game its punching bag for a few months and i'd recommend it! nothing that will stick with me forever but some really fun traversal and combat made this a pretty good time overall!

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

well i like stories and characters so your opinion is false according to me