Octopath 2 is an incredible game, and the culmination of a number of lessons Square Enix learned from its predecessor.
This games' stories feel on average more engaging, and the gameplay's also seen great improvement with the addition of latent powers, day/night cycles and so much more. Every moment I spent in this world was absolutely magical, from the breathtaking visuals and OST, stellar voice acting, amazing exploration and engaging combat. Not all stories and characters here are made equal, which is unfortunate, but inevitable in a game with eight different stories to tell. Though Castti's one of the more fun and unique characters to play, her story left quite a lot to be desired for me. And Partitio's shining personality and engaging tale was bogged down by his relatively simple combat uses.
I still loved almost all of the characters in terms of both gameplay and story. From Ochette's relatively simple adventure mixed with the crazy beast summons to Castti's relatively forgettable story but amazingly unique latent power or Throné's marriage of debuffs and damage with an engaging tale, Osvald's crazy magic damage and gripping revenge plot, Partitio's BP dealing and ridiculous charisma, Agnea's heartwarming coming of age mixed with great buffs, Temenos' great mystery and white magic, or Hikari's charming shonen tale and massive damage numbers. I loved almost all these characters had to offer.
In any case, the group dynamic between these eight was much better explored in this entry, though I wish it could have somehow gone just that little bit further. Just that little extra push to make this game a true masterpiece. In any case, irrespective of some minor shortcomings, the world of Octopath 2 is definitely not one I'll be forgetting any time soon.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024
