If you say this is better than DKC 2 or 3 you are lying to yourself!

DKC is fine, it's a good game with good level design and some catchy music.

My biggest gripe with the game is that Donkey Kong sucks to play as. He's so slow and boring! I always just leave him out front to take hits so I don't lose diddy (who is better in every way). The bosses also suck (except for the final boss).

Going for 100% is fine, but pointless. It's not hard to do (going for 100% on some levels actually makes the game easier since it lets you skip some of the harder barrel sections), but you don't get anything other than some bonus cranky dialogue.

The other DKC games did everything this game did right while improving on everything it did wrong.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

It’s better than 3, come at me bro 🦍