After years of my friends trying to get me to play P5, I finally gave in and decided to make it my big summer game this year. Who would've thought, the game everyone has been telling me is really good for all these years is in fact really good.

I grew up playing pokemon, but I've always found the more serious JRPGS to be a little intimidating (my child brain could not comprehend stuff like permadeath).

Royal became a very cozy game for me. Gameplay wise it was a very smooth ride throughout. This is the first RPG I've played in a while where I never felt pressured to grind so I was free to enjoy all the extra content (and there is a lot of it). This is also by far the most fun I've had with a turn based combat system.

The music is great and I love the characters (hot take I know).

There were a few things pacing wise that didn't work as well for me, but considering the whole package and just how little impact those sections made on the overall experience I don't think they're anywhere close to deal breaking.

I'm really happy I played this game and I'm feeling more inclined to try out to branch out and try some new JRPGS (or at the very least, more persona games).

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
