This was one of those platform games along the lines of Abe's Odyssey (albeit way more action-oriented) that had a simple form of gameplay that was inventive but also brutal and unforgiving - and combined with some sort of budget Pixar film (lots of FMV cutscenes and usage of pre-rendered graphics, which is why it took up 2 whole CDs at the time) about a kid inventor who gets way too lost in his own daydreams and fantasies, only some of them turn out to be very realm.

I like this game's tone though - and it sort of plays like this nightmare fantasy, something where it's drawn with all of these stark caricatures, goofy characters, and everything being drawn in this childlike innocence - then clashing it with dark fantasy elements and a surprising level of violence for a kids game. Your character can meet so many violent ends but in America this was given a E for Everyone rating - presumably because the numerous death scenes in this game are completely bloodless (but also insanely graphic in detail).

It's pretty decent stuff, although I think the gameplay in this can often be really unfair - often just trial and error type situations. Not a great game, definitely a product of its time - but still a memorable one nonetheless.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2021
