Furquest 2023

Log Status







Time Played

5h 13m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 5, 2023

First played

October 4, 2023

Platforms Played


Had very conflicted feelings when finishing this game.

It's very obviously very inspired by Undertale, almost to a fault, and almost takes its messaging word for word, and also takes its hand at themes of isolation and the fear of being forgotten and I can give its props for how it deals with those heavy topics.

My main issue is the overly silly "quirky" lol XD writing and jokes. Like take not so funny Undertale and Omori dialogue and gags and shoot it up to 11 and that's the first 2/3's of this game. This further hurts the game with by having this overly silly nature, the serious topics don't have the same punch to them, or even during serious moments the game will crack a couple unfunny jokes, killing the vibe of the scene

I can give praise to the last third of the game, it has cool music and the atmosphere is great and with the ending I got, left a melancholic feel with me.

Overall this was a miss for me. The game looks good, cant take that away, it oozes with its style and the solo dev deserves praise for their work. But literally everything else is either done poorly or done much better in other games.