I'm conflicted on this. Having just played through the classic Mario titles, I was excited to give the Zelda ones a go as well. On a technical standpoint, this game also has no right existing when it did. I also found I was much more invested in this game than I was the Mario titles, I forgot I could rewind on the Nintendo Switch until like the 7th dungeon, and any time I tried to, I didn't like how much it took me out of the experience. The combat is undoubtedly a touch rough, and definitely takes a second to ease in to. But once I did I found a lot of satisfaction in it. The actual dungeons felt a touch repetitive. I did enjoy seeing so many elements I recognized from the two later titles I have played, Ocarina and BotW. As a whole, I think this ages a little worse than the original Mario Bros game, but admittedly that's a hell of an Apples and Oranges comparison. But it does make me feel like this one isn't as easy to recommend. Still an enjoyable experience though.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
