PSVR2 Version:
What an absolute prime example of a PSVR 2 game. The game seems to be in rock hard native headset resolution. Just straight full res. On one level with Demeo and Saints & Sinners. It's razor sharp and no upscale and one of the most high res games you can play on PSVR 2 now. The clarity when you turn around in your standard lobby and look into the distance is insane, when you press X inside a game and look at the diorama of the map, it's mind blowing.

And because of this alone, this is the one game you need show someone when he/she uses the headset for the very first time. This sets the bar extremely high on a technical level for the best first impression possible.

Also, the game has buttery smooth 90fps, no reprojection at all. You would always see and feel 60 reprojection when you move around your hand and it is 100% smooth here. Same with smooth turning and locomotion giving no reprojection at all.

I'm absolutely stunned, this game does everything right and hits all highs and should be played by everyone.

Reviewed on May 12, 2023
