Supergiant's experiment with RPG mechanics, storytelling, and sports games proves to be a really fun and compelling experience. The lovable cast of characters pushes the plot forward and makes the player really think about their decisions when it comes to gameplay. The music is by far some of my favorite of Supergiant's work. It is by far the sleeper hit out of Supergiant's small library.

Marvel's Avengers is a very disappointing game. With the roster of characters and the world of Marvel as a basis for a videogame seems like a recipe for success, however, Crystal Dynamics squanders this on a by the numbers live service title. The characters play very much the same with much of the mechanical complexity that would come being bogged down by the standard beat 'em up combat. The story is the best part of the title, but how quickly you are hit with the basic story you realize that it's not much either. If you see it on sale for cheap it's an ok way to kill sometime.

The Evil Within is a solid third-person shooter with a few good horror elements, but it feels that it lacks much of the charm of Shinji Mikami's usual flair with games. Having played this years after the original release, however, I can definitely say that The Evil Within is definitely worth your time. The gameplay in most cases is really enjoyable with very few noticable issues running on current gen hardware. Alongside that the games unique pool of weapons makes it stand out. If you were coming to find the next magnum opus of horror games keep looking, but if you want a cheap B-movie experience of a game, I say pick it up.

This is THE BEST Devil May Cry has ever been. The combat, story, and characters are the best they've ever been in franchise history. The three playable characters (Dante, Nero, and V) all feel unique to each other and provide a playstyle for anybody to enjoy whether they be a returning fan of the franchise. My biggest gripe with the game mostly comes down to the lack of any major role for the characters of Lady and Trish. Though they are present in the game, their lack of any real substance in the plot makes their presence come of as lacking. That being said I would recommend DMC 5 to anyone who wishes to get in on the franchise or character action games as a whole.

As a whole Nioh 2 is a great game if you are just looking for more of Nioh. I thoroughly enjoyed the new Yokai shift abilities more than the previous living weapon system thanks to how much more mechanical complexity it brought to the game. The campaign also has a much more enjoyable story than the original game with a much more memorable cast. Even having finished the game, I can see myself coming back to it many more times to go through the New Game + content.