Best hidden gem of the year, if not game of the year honestly. Everyone knows that if you want to make a good game, you put in a grappling hook. Both of rusted moss' platforming and combat sides are centered around one of the best feeling grappling hook mechanics in any game i've ever played. Swinging around never got old throughout the 12 or so hours it took me to complete this game in full. Big recommend, but only if you play with keyboard and mouse, it's not really made to be played with a controller.

Crosscode is a ridiculously ambitious title. I genuinely don't understand why it isn't more often praised as one of the best indie games of all time. The story has it all (interesting plot, clever twists, fun characters) The gameplay has it all (complex combat mechanics, build variety, great bosses, challening and diverse puzzles) and the game is HUGE for an affordable price. In a way, it's just as impressive as hollow knight, if not more, and that is my favorite game of all time.
The dlc makes it even bigger and better too!

Neon White makes you feel like you're amazing at it, even thought you're not. This is in my opinion the best thing a game can achieve. If you like spending an hour doing the same 20 second level over and over until you get every trick perfectly and achieve your time goal, this game is the king of that genre. Don't mind the story, it's easily put aside as it deserves to be.

BTW, ace medals are not the highest tier, have fun ;)

It's no portal or talos, but if you like those games this is more of that type of experience. I wish that everything didn't rely on the same cube-dispensing gun system. Even though it is a cool idea at first, it unfortunetly gets pretty repetitive towards the end. I think the non-eucledian space stuff is genius and should've instead been the center focus of the puzzles, kind of like in Superlimial, a game that was clearly inspired by this.

it's fun, but not quite a must play.

This game confuses me so much.

NieR: Automata is widely spread as a masterpiece of a game, but I don't feel like it does anything particularly well outside of it's interesting and unique art style/presentation. However, I kinda like it... somehow. Nothing about Automata was that fun or interesting, a major part of my time playing felt like a chore and yet, I still think it's worth experiencing. I believe that is due to it feeling like the vision of a creative director, who was allowed to do whatever he wanted with the game. I really wish more big budget games had this kind of freedom and originiality.