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PKD2 reviewed Kurayami
Didn’t actually play this, primarily because you can’t. It’s an unfinished and canceled title. However, I did read Kurayami Dance, a 16 chapter manga which, from what I understand, is an adaptation of one of the canceled drafts of the game Kurayami. So I will be using this page for my thoughts on that.

Unlike the other KTP manga, RBG, this one actually has some meat to it. At its core, this is a story about the importance of death. The characters of the story, for the most part, treat death as a meaningless and trivial aspect of life. Characters commit suicide as repentance for the slightest of mistakes or smallest of reasons, and a majority have absolutely zero qualms with killing another person or themselves. Obviously, the exception to this is the protagonist, Kaido “Kamikaze” Wataru. Kaido serves as this unique existence who is beyond not only the influence of the Kurogane Kingdom, the society which facilitates this uncaring view of death, but also beyond the concepts of life and death entirely and it’s really interesting to see all of his juxtapositions not only with the rest of the cast but also within himself. Being an undertaker, he has an extremely solid grasp of death and it’s sacrecy, but he is also an extreme motorcyclist who accelerates to extremely fast speeds in the hundreds of Km/H, putting his life on the line for the thrill of being alive. There’s a lot I could write on this manga's comments on death and what it does with Kaido, but I recommend just reading it yourself.

This manga is also very heavy on the KTP fanservice. Multiple characters from the KTP games make brief cameos and I can’t help but get super giddy whenever one pops up. So I do very thoroughly recommend having played multiple core KTP games before reading this. It makes it far more enjoyable.

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