Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 25, 2023

First played

October 18, 2023

Platforms Played


This game is, overall, Supermassive's best work I've experienced. It's certainly not flawless, and your tolerance for some of the "well, that just happened" moments will probably vary (as with it still using the g-slur and having like... a travelling freak show that was still running in 2016? I guess? That sucked), and act 3 in particular really falls apart as the game struggles to stay on track with your choices, but for one playthrough this was genuinely a lot of fun. If I have time, I hope to listen to the in-game podcasts, which was a highlight when I experienced them briefly, and to explore how well this game holds up to additional experimentation.

Edit: An addition upon playing the movie mode on "Gorefest", this game is a better game than it is a movie. Movie mode highlights that this story has a lot of plot holes you won't always fill in, and even with the more satisfying ending Gorefest provided (along with the non-alternate soundtrack being significantly better, copyright strikes be damned), my opinions are mostly still the same. Watching a second playthrough with friends highlighted that the game's story can be very uneven, with my second run through causing as many new bad moments as good ones, but I very much still enjoyed my time with the game.