Currently have 215 hours on this game, including Overwatch 1, and at least 80 of them since the shift to Steam alone.

Like most people, I was really disappointed to hear what Blizzard had promised in terms of story mode wasn't what we ended up with. But imo, rating a game based on a meta aspect like that doesn't give justice to the actual quality of what we have. There are plenty of game developers, musicians, character and setting designers, etc who worked hard on this game and are still at it. So completely forgetting about "what could have been," would I recommend this game?

Yes. Absolutely. It's still lots of fun and even the few story missions we did end up with were enjoyable. I think it's a well balanced game that is constantly being updated to give more content and more balancing changes as needed. Yeah the community maybe isn't the best either, but as long as you don't join team chat, getting flamed once in a while isn't the end of the world. The abilities are very fun to play with, and the characters are very endearing. I genuinely think this game is underrated.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2023
