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1 day

Last played

July 19, 2022

Platforms Played


One of the most charming games I have ever played. The characters, writing, and soundtrack were all fantastic and the world was a joy to explore.

I enjoyed coloring in the each of the screens, but it can feel a little clunky to do with joysticks. Luckily I found the paint bucket brush style early and it made coloring much more manageable.

If you're not interested in coloring each screen, the base gameplay may seem a little bland. My only real complaint were the boss fights. Since the game has no fail state, they aren't frustrating, but after the first few, I didn't find them to be fun. A few also go on too long.

As someone who makes a living as an artist, I connected with a lot of the themes and really enjoyed the creative freedom the game provides. Seeing the final map colored in and watching the timelapse was especially rewarding and gave me a genuine sense of accomplishment that I will remember fondly.