If you like city builders, farming sims, and going to a Medieval Faire, then this game will be right up your alley. It is not in any way a serious game. It's got a bunch of little jokes scattered among the NPCs, if you actually take the time to read any of the written dialogue you'll see how ridiculous and not serious this game is. For a First Person City Builder, this game is A+, if you're looking for immersion, it's more like a C-. The game is very beautiful, and honestly I don't run into a lot of bugs. Overall this game is addictively fun, I can easily spend 6 - 10h on this game in one sitting. It does, however, give a vague feel of still being in early access without still being in early access. I would recommend it though.

Got this game when it launched in Early Access. I've really enjoyed it from the start, and as I've watched it change into what it is now, I feel like I have more of a love hate relationship with this game now. When I first played this game it had one biome on the map, and like three religions, and very basic armour/weapons. They've added so much over the years. DLC in the form of new building pieces, clothing, and a new map. Now in the more recent years they have gone Live Service, adding a battle pass which adds more cosmetics than anyone could dream of. The downside to this is unfortunately it brings things like getting locked out of content if you don't unlock it in the battle pass (even if your clan mates can make the items) Makes it feel like a cash grab. The gameplay is pretty good, I have a few issues with the combat system, it's kind of janky to say the least. Getting stuck locked on to enemies, glitching through the environment, hit boxes on larger enemies are a nightmare (even with the changes in Age of War). I was super excited when they introduced the Age of Sorcery, but after waiting all this time for sorcery to finally be introduced into the game, I found it disappointing. I wish they would fix some of their combat issues and I suppose that's my biggest gripe. They feel pretty on top of all their other problems.

There is a lot that I can say about this game. I'm a fan of OG Sims, been playing the Sims franchise since I was 5 years old. It holds a special nostalgic place in my heart. There's a lot of things right with this game, as is wrong. But at the end of the day, I have a game that I will pick up, play religiously for about two weeks, and then drop for months. I love adding mods and custom content to my game, I own almost all of the additional packs. I can create whatever kind of world/life that I want, make whoever I want, and do whatever I want. I enjoy the intricate building options, and all of the items you can use to fill/decorate your homes. Being able to do things like go to school/university/work with your sims is an interesting take on the game that may or may not be enjoyable for you, I enjoy it sometimes, I also like that it's optional. Over the years EA has made updates to add things in that make the game more inclusive (pronouns/ability to be trans, medical devices for some disabilities, things like vitiligo, and even partnering with black content creators to make things more racially inclusive) and good on them for that, but I certainly feel they could do better. Fortunately that is where some really good CC comes in. You might argue that if you need to mod a game then it isn't good, but I disagree, it just gives you the option to customize the game to YOUR liking. At the end of the day that's what playing the Sims is about. Playing your story, your way. That's exactly what this game does.


I was introduced to DayZ about 3 years ago by my partner, it was something she was really into when we met. We started playing DayZ on the PC (she was on Xbox prior) starting off vanilla, but eventually transitioning to modded and community servers. Personally I really enjoy the RP PVE servers, there's just something about getting to roleplay in a post apocalyptic setting, just trying to exist with other people, somewhere vaguely Eastern European. I actually started learning to speak/read Russian for the sake of making navigating the roads easier, which sounds silly but it certainly has come in handy more than once. This game is very enjoyable, I don't lightly spend over 1000h on a game. But I think this is well worth the time spent, even if it is just two hours of running back and forth between a trader and our base.

This is one of my favourite games from when I was a child. I had this for the PS2 and played it all the time. It's an adventure game with a nice story, a bit of combat, and a lot of jumping/climbing. Love the switching back and forth between the two main characters, love the story and how it draws from real world Ancient Egyptian mythology, and honestly for a early 2000s game the graphics are nice. Now as an adult I've re-purchased this game on steam and it's still as great as I remember it, still slightly unforgiving but fun. Seems to only work using a controller plugged in to my PC though, not a deal breaker.

Unfortunately, this game is kind of a disappointment, and I really REALLY wanted to like this one. I've been playing it since Alpha/Beta and I thought it had so much potential, I still do. Except that now the game is apparently in full release and it still feels...empty and unfinished. I watched it grow and the dev team had made some great improvements, if only they had kept going. There's no motivation, no direction, and no clear ending or goal. It is a beautiful game, and if they fleshed it out a little, there is still so much potential. But I can't recommend this game to anyone in the state that it's currently in.

This game is a lot! A lot of laughs, a lot of fun, and a lot of screaming. My friends and I have said time and time again, "best 10 bucks I've ever spent". This game is amazing especially when you realize their dev team is just one dude. Been playing this right from the start pretty much, and even though the gameplay is pretty simple, it never gets boring. Certainly a game that's better with friends, but it can be played alone as well. The modding community for this game is intense, with all sorts of things popping up (cosmetics, monsters, scrap, entire moons, and even whole new game modes), and I love seeing how creative the community can be. I love this game, I love the idea of it, and I can't wait to see what else they add in. This is probably one of the most impressive games I've ever played in early access.

This game is pretty good. It's one of the many games that have popped up in the wake of Lethal Company's popularity. Similar concept, but very different at the same time. Certainly a game that you're going to want to play with friends (or randoms if you're brave). The idea is simple, grab gear, dive down, find and film the spooky, and come back up to watch your film. A lot of the clips are fun and entertaining to watch, but I personally feel the game makes the "funny content" feel somewhat forced, since you're trying to get it on film. However, I enjoy the game a lot, and I look forward to seeing it grow. It's not something I play every day, but it's definitely a good time.

Astroneer is an adorable little create/build/explore type game. It's cartoony and cozy, I find it very enjoyable. The danger is few and far between, similar to games like Stardew Valley. The entire premise of the game is to land on a planet, gather resources, and advance your technology, before going to a new planet and doing it all over again. Great with friends, still good alone. I enjoy playing this every now and again, and I especially enjoy picking it back up after major updates. As of now, the dev is still actively working on this game and has some updates planned for the near future (end of 2024 I believe). Probably won't ever technically 'finish' this game, but I'm more than happy to play it on and off for the last 8 or so years (early access).

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I have been playing this game since early access. This is an amazingly well done game. Of course I have encountered bugs and glitches like everyone else, but nothing game breaking. I have done multiple playthroughs of this game, the replayability is endless. The dev team worked tirelessly to make this game as perfect as they could and they did a fantastic job. Left me wanting for almost nothing (maybe a happier ending for our favourite fiery gal.) There's not currently any mod support officially, but Larian spoke on wanting to. The mods out there though are fantastic, there's lots to curate that game to exactly your tastes. I will play this game again and again, with almost endless possibilities, for me, this game is endless fun. I highly recomend this game to anyone who likes Dungeons and Dragons, or anyone who is interested in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. I would also recommend this to anyone who is a fan of other turn based story driven games like DoS/DoS2, the OG Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, or other similar games like Neverwinter Nights, or Pillars of Eternity. If you have any interest in those types of games, this is a MUST PLAY. The time it took me to get through one single entire playthrough was about 60h.