Note: I used primehack and played with keyboard and mouse controls, widescreen, 60fps, and 1080p. Jealous? jk. Later I talk about the game being easy and stuff and that just may be because kbm controls are better. Supported by the evidence that i played dark souls 1 on ps4 and it took me 60 hours and i played dark souls 2 on pc and it took me just under 20. And furthermore, it doesn't really change my experience with the game I don't think. Without further ado let's begin the review. Enjoy.

Hey everyone it's me elkmane and i just finished metroid prime 2 echoes. Why do your other beam types have limited ammo? Do they want me to just use the normal one from the start? You get light ammo from killing enemies or boxes with the dark beam and you get dark ammo from killing enemies or boxes with the light beam. Tell me, retro studios. Be honest. Did you do that because you can’t have light without dark or whatever? Was it worth it? Was that shallow ass meaningless ass platitude ass harry potter quote ass white woman tattoo ass reasoning worth getting rid of the cool ass beams from prime 1? Was it worth me using normal beam for 99% of the game and only using the special beams to open doors? You can find max ammo increases just like for missiles but that’s not the point here. What purpose does this serve? I guess it's fine because I didn't really ever run out of ammo? because I was just using my regular beam on everyone? But the combat was kind of dog this time around. enemies disappear and fade into nothing so often. It’s annoying. Nothing’s worse than having a full charge shot super missile and they just martian manhunter the thing. “Oh they dont want you to spam charge beam” okay so I’ll spam normal beam for twice as much time, since the other beams are too expensive to be used on stuff that isn’t doors and portals. Why base a bunch of enemies on chozo ghosts from the first one? Didn’t you know Yahtzee from zero punctuation () didn’t like those guys?

) formerly! He is now from Fully Ramblomatic! By the way yahtzee, if you’re reading this, hi! I’m a big fan and I’m glad you enjoy my reviews, because I enjoy yours too! Please shout me out and donate to me! I’d really appreciate it!

And the bosses too. Most bosses are just giant versions of an enemy you've fought in the area and their name spoils what item they're gonna drop. Oh god I hope morph ball bomb mackenzie gives me the screw attack!!!!1!!!!!!! And these bosses are like prime 1 bosses. Long and uneventful. It's gonna take you forever, you're not gonna lose any hp, you're just gonna jump around waiting for the move they do that makes them vulnerable and then attack. It's torturous.

The other new thing is the dark world. Which, I always said I'd respect a swing and a miss more than sticking to what works, but this idea is on VERY THIN ICE. Every time you go into a portal to change your dimension, which you’ll be doing a lot- you’re gonna get the same cutscene, maybe two depending on what kind of portal it is. The cutscene is unskippable and boring. Do you know what I do when I hit a cutscene? I go on my phone. I text my attractive girlfriend. (Visual aid: She looks like Zendaya and Rihanna combined) I say hey, why am i waiting for this stupid cutscene instead of cuddling u sugar bear… she says ikr… i say come over.. She says ok… and I get off the game to prepare. Do you see why that’s not beneficial to the game’s longevity? It's just not satisfying in any way. These portals are put in strategic spots, yes, your trips in and out of them are all scripted and planned but it feels like such a pain. It's not even because you take damage while you're in there. Not only are there the fortnite storm beacons/baldurs gate 3 act 2 lamps/risk of rain 2 void field cells, but you get a suit really early on that lowers your damage taken from negligible to unnoticeable. Let's talk about the dark suit a little. It's the suit you're gonna be wearing for 99% of the game. This game has such a snail's pace level of upgrades, It's even worse when you're not upgrading your beams. You get the light and dark beam within the first hour, and you get your final beam an hour before you finish the game and you get your 2nd suit upgrade right BEFORE THE SCAVENGER HUNT WHICH IS STILL IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!! I'll talk about you later. Side note on the dark suit, it looks really cool. it looks like it was designed by travis scott. It’s nice, probably the only metroid suit i could see someone actually wearing in public.

Actually I don't wanna talk about the scavenger hunt. It's like the one in prime 1 but instead of getting rid of it they kind of bandaided it. Doesn't help the fact that the prime 1 artifacts you could sorta find like half of them just by regular exploration without even knowing what they're for. Ok I don't wanna think about it anymore. I'm gonna talk about the visors now. The dark visor is just the x ray vision but now you see into the dark dimension! not the dark dimension that you go into, just the third secret dark dimension that houses all the invisible platforms. And the other visor, I just don't see what they were going for. At all. You use it like three times. It's there I guess. The scan is still cool. Let me talk about the lore modules. When you scan, it doesn’t give you the module right there like prime 1. It sends it to your log book so you can read it later. I’m not a fan of this, because in prime 1 i would read whatever i scanned fully. I enjoyed the lore or the space pirate blogposts talking about how scary samus (me) is. But in this, it would just send it to your log book. Which is tough to navigate A, and B I have to go out of my way to go get it and find it and read it. It’s like, sure I’ll read an article on the history of can openers if it was shared with me on google drive. But if someone told me “go look up can openers for me” I’d be less likely to oblige because that’s more effort on my part. I’m doing you a favour by reading ur shit, yknow? Just like how u guys are doing me a favour by reading my reviews. This is my livelihood and you guys just won’t stop supporting. Appreciate y’all so damn fucking much.

Is that enough of a nitpick to let u guys know I'm done with the negative part of my review? Let me move onto the nice parts! :D

I like how there's more of a hubworld and travelling between areas is so much easier. No more going thru all of magmoor to head to phendrana or the mines, theres easily accessible elevators to everywhere now. Not that you'll get much use outta them, theres no real backtracking in this game. Its pretty similar to metroid fusion kind of. Oh, this and fusion both kind of have a evil samus. But this one was more intended to be a rival. Like dark link or dark sonic or dark mario. Usually these rivals are supposed to have the opposite personality to the hero. Vergil and Shadow are mean while sonic and dante are funny and nice. I think dark samus shouldve been a wisecracker, like she even does the evil laugh but seeing as how there's already talking moth people in this game having a talking rival couldn't hurt. We haven't gotten a stoic hero/silly villain combo like this since batman and joker. I just think it would've been cool.

Last point, the music. It was pretty sick. Metroid music always rocks, but I wanted to point out one specific song. This one:
it sounds pretty cool right? a little familiar, maybe? that's right! It's a remix of this! it's pretty cool. I like the music.

Now I'm really scared what prime 3 is gonna be like. And i'm even more scared cus i realized i gotta play other m... O_O

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
