A compeling game with memory leak problems til today is unacceptable.

Segundo contato, primeiro jogo ruim

Primeiro jogo de comédia.

Uma história apesar de previsível bem gostosa de se vivenciar. Mas o pecado desse jogo vem da falta de profundidade. Ele facilmente poderia ter sido mais grandioso do que foi.

Primeiro contato com jogos.

Talassophobia I hate you. I couldn't even finish the game because of that. Incredibly relaxing with a sound design which doesn't fit to much. But overall an amazing game.

I absolutely love these kind of "immersive sims" which doesn't throw a truck of information but instead gives you nearly nothing to looking for and just let's you walk and discover the few things that have on your own rythm.


Great puzzles and have the most absolutely, essential thing that a puzzle game must have. It's intuitive and rationally easy. Don't get me wrong, a good hard puzzles comes from entering in deeper layers of the onnion and not an impenetrable barrier since the beginning.

An vicious illidiac system which offers a lot of visual appealling and power attraction over money to capitalize

Great bullet hell, I hate bullet hell but had a great experience with this one. The first 60% of the game is really good on the progression of the game difficult then the rest of it will be probably a feast on the eyes of the hardcore fans of BH games.

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Excelent plot choice but poor execution abilities. Could be incredibly astonishing if wasn't for bas writing and narrative-wise choices. Beside that, it has a major problem concerning pregnant abuse, with the MC using drugs to make her sleep to obtain sucess without letting the player have autonomy in the process.

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The gunk has an excellent plotwise but it shows a mediocre narrative direction which makes the game feels a bit bitter on the end.
It's way shorter than it should be( I don't know how was the great picture or neither how much money they had to invest on the project), the whole game feels like a big proulogue. You finish the game and have the feeling that just in that moment the game would really start however it's how it ends.
I could really see you now with all the upgrades and knowledge about the plot of the story starting to face the consequences of what happened in this planet and then starting your journey to make other wolrds free from the big corps and everything else.
It's a good start game but lacks progression.