Gameplay-wise is amazing, I had tons of fun and the mechanics flow perfectly during the multiple combat scenarios. If you know me you must know I despise collectibles in games, but the collectibles in here are absolutely of my favorite type of collectibles: fun to look out for and with a purpose -and most importantly- SHOWN ON THE MAP!!!

Story-wise was..... eeehhhh???? Lore got really complicated and it looks like id just said "fuck it" and embraced the meme status of Doomguy on the internet and turned him into a walking meme, not just him but all the world around him too (you know damn right I'm talking about the UAC announcer and her out of place "mortally challenged" joke being repeated ceaselessly). I mean, it was goofy and hilarious but it was super weird considering all the seriousness the previous game had.

Enjoyed it a lot but I'm still liking the first one a little bit more.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2020
