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I was expecting answers. I was expecting to find out how Basim becomes the Loki re-incarnation we met in Valhalla but instead we find out his best friend was actually just a hallucination. It felt a bit lacklustre but it doesn't take away from the rest of the story.

The gameplay was nice. There was a heavy focus on stealth which is what The Assassins are all about - melee combat was a little bit weak but that's understandable considering the game wants you to be stealth - like a mirage.

Yes there was nothing grand and the stakes never really felt that big but the game wanted to feel like a classic assassin's creed game. It felt like a bog standard day in the life of an assassin: Kill this guy to find out who they work for and then find out some weird sci-fi stuff at the end.

I really tried to like this game but it just didn't interest me as much as I wanted it to. The controls felt too heavy and Liberty City isn't as fun to drive around as Los Santos & Blane County

Honestly the only enjoyable stuff in the game is hunting down the Templars but I can do that on Oddesey for a far less bigger experience

After playing more, this is genuinely amazing. I first thought it was flawed with certain levels not being completable with Yoshis & Nabbit but it's part of Nintendo's plan to get you to play as everyone

first game I ever played - even before I understood the concept of saving your game

I hate rage games but the graphics and sound effects are gorgeous

The only issue with the game is that Yoshis and Nabbit can't complete certain levels because they can't use power ups but other than that, it's almost a perfect game

One of the few games I'd describe as perfect. From the way side quests are set up from the beginning of the game, to the stupid dad jokes littered throughout, to the 300+ page enchiridion that you're able to fully read cover to cover, to the stunning visuals (especially those studio Ghibli scenes) to the gorgeous soundtrack. The only problems with the game are only noticeable after playing the 2nd but even then, they don't ruin the game on any way