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Time Played

9h 12m

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Absolutely floored. 1000xResist is one of my favorite games in years and quite possibly my Game of The Year for 2024!

Without question, it is the story that shines here. In terms of gameplay, it's a pretty straightforward walking sim with some light dialogue choice systems and a bit of Adventure game dna. That story though?

1000xResist is a scifi narrative game that explores themes of Pandemic, authoritarianism, and the Hong Kong protests. Its world, shaped by the last living human -- a teenage girl -- and her many clones is bleak and uncomfortable. There is a sense of artifice to everything, because their world has no opportunity for anything else. Everything is fake, everything is a lie, and you the Watcher, the one person in the world who gets to know the truth.

The magic of this story is in the execution; every layer and twisting thread is handled perfectly. Far better than I would have dared hope for, and boldly enough to nourish a need that I've had for years.

If you are someone who doesn't mind a walking sim, and if that story description above interests you at all, you MUST play this game.