Crosscode, there's so much to talk about but I can proudly say its my favorite of all games around here.

(Very minor spoiler ahead!)

CrossWorlds is an MMORPG devoloped by Instatainment using virtual reality WITHIN an actual physical environment and virtual playground. Game starts in Crossworlds' tutorial area and you play as Lea, a very living soul with a little speaking funcion (you gather new ''words'' throughout the game but my god, how could they ever put so much characteristics to someone who can't even talk?).

There's two diffrent stroies connected in CrossCode. One is the main plot which is the serious one and the other one is CrossWorlds plot and is full of cliche : ). With absolutely great music combined with long (sometimes boring) puzzle elements, you can check it out.

I still think how did Namco turn out so well making a very polished game on PS1. Even so I miss old fighting games where you literally lose your %30 of your hp with a single attack.

With osu! and Guitar Hero, this is one of my fav rhythm games out there. Altough I'm not quite fond of FPS games, decided to give it a try and can say it was worth the try. Precious METAL musics that authenticly linked with gameplay itself. I MEAN THE WHOLE GAMEPLAY, DASHING, RELOADING, SHOOTING AND EVEN BOSS SKILLS!! But anyway, there's one or two things to talk.
The actual graphics of the game dazzles my eyes too much!!! For that reason I played 15-min sessions each time. And can acurrately say that BPM is not diffucultly-wise, like some items were too powerful and some are very underpowered.

Oh my good old Majula, how could I forget your stillness... If only the servers...

It should not be considred as a completely new game bacuse all of its data comes from Rome II (they were putting all the efforts into Warhammer...) but anyway I enjoyed it.

It taught us that even hardcore gamers could relieve and enjoy a casual game.

+has very good music.

whats with that cinematic angle??

not that great but still playable

facebook games were fun don't judge me please