Pretty decent clone of the old Castlevania titles, but the level up mechanics feel somewhat superfluous. I also thought there would be more weapons and more incentive to replay old levels after unlocking some abilities. Better than the 3DS Castlevania - Lords of Shadows game, but not as good as the excellent Castlevania - The Adventure Rebirth.

In some ways it's better then the sequel. I like the fact, that they only tried to emulate famicom style games (and cartridges), while the second game brought in MSX, Disk System, Gameboy (plus the anachronistic inclusion of GB Colour) and Super Famicom style games. The RPG was also an enormous pace breaker, in some ways even worse then in the sequel, since the last challenge was not only long but also pretty hard. The racing game kinda sucks and it is repeated twice and there is no kind of puzzle game (Tritos was one of the sequels highlights). The game has no daily challenges, but a free play mode that tracks your records and other things, which will keep you coming back for a while. All in all, the sequel has more games (some returning in a cut form) while this game feels more like a complete package and love letter to the days when the Famicom dominated home video games. (in my opinion).

I dig the style and the quick but deadly combat, the music is really catchy. Out of the three (in)famous "stylish rpg-maker games" (Hylics 1, Space Funeral and this) i like it the best, since it is not just different in style but in mechanics too.

Thanks go out to the youtuber "Maraganger" for recommenting this one.

Cute little indie game, very short but sets the mood for Cave Story

A fun collection of retro challenges. Relatively easy to finish but pretty hard to complete. The Visual Novel is a bit slow, but it wouldn't surprise me if the RPG makes people actually stop playing the game. It's that much of an annoyance and pace-breaker (and that comes from someone you likes old NES RPGs like Dragon Quest 3 and Final Fantasy 3).

Also, the daily challenges will keep me coming back for some time.

Yearly replay. Easy little platformer, best enjoyed in extra mode. Practically every other game in the series is better, but it had to start somewhere. The graphics are really nice for a Gameboy title.

Somewhat tedious, since you have to play 100 levels in each mode and they don‘t get more challenging or interesting, it‘s just a test of patience. The reward for that are pictures of Tingle to unlock, but sadly, some seem to be locked to the multiplayer mode, which I can‘t play.
Still, the game did improve my Balloon Fight abilities and makes me want to look into Balloon Kid on the Gameboy. Also, Tingle rules! Nintendo has to bring him back for more games.

Some might say it's great for a free game, but it would still be great, if you had to pay for it. I love the style and music, even if the story is nothing too novel. I wish the game was kind of a demo/teaser to a more full-fledged adventure.

Really good sprite work/design and in-battle effects. Otherwise the jokes made at RPG-mechanics and stories have been made before in games like Undertale, Moon or Space Funeral and there wasn't anything new besides the extreme linearity of combat and progression that cuts any RNG, random encounters, money, (healing) items and level grinding. I'd recommend it though, since it's so short as well as free.