Absolute banger game I played when it came out on PS2 and picked up for the PS4 when it came back out. Rogue Galaxy is so enjoyable in its world building and character diversity that it didn’t even dampen the experience when I had to grind 800 fights to get Jaster to level 99 for the plat.

The end game, like many rpgs can get a little repetitive in the trash mob fights (break barrier, LV3 AOE spell) but the bosses are diverse and interesting to fight. Insectron is a fun little chess mini game and the Factory is a very cool break from saving the galaxy.

All in all, if you have PS+ play this game.

Probably one of the better RGG games from a story standpoint, but there’s a bit of busy work in between story beats to pad out the play time (not that I’m complaining, running around Sotenbori flinging people with cables is fun)

Akame is one of the better RGG side characters, loved her.

This game helped kill my pathfinder campaign, 5/5 no notes

The expanded decking sections were neat, the cast of characters were very interesting (Gobbet, Is0bel and Gaichu come to mind) but the controls felt wonkiest here. Lots of tight corridors with odd hit boxes mean you get caught just trying to walk down a hallway. The story including all the side quests is only around 10 missions. Playing this after Returns and Dragonfall makes me think this is easily the weakest of the three, but still enjoyable enough to be worth the time. (Just maybe not another playthrough any time soon)

Sometimes a cliche, repetitive remake of a 90s RPG hits just right and this is one of them. Fun characters, fun stories (6~ different ones!) I played through 3 times and didn’t regret it. Definitely check it out if you have PS+