I went into DOOM Eternal already knowing it was going to be great, but I didn't expect it to be this god damn good. This game took everything that was great about DOOM 2016 and refined them the the point of perfection and added so many incredibly new mechanics and some of the best gameplay I've ever experienced.

The first aspect of DOOM Eternal I want to talk about is it's difficulty. I played this game on Ultra-Violence and I can confidently say that at the time of this review. DOOM Eternal is the hardest game I have ever played. Even thought I've played games like Hades which took me around 40 hours to beat and DOOM Eternal only took me around 20, this game was just far more challenging than anything else I've ever gone against. Even after fighting them multiple times the enemies in this game remain ruthless, unpredictable and will fuck you over immediately if you even think about slipping up. The game is incredibly tough, but it's fair.

One of my favorite changes in this game is all the changes to the enemies. In DOOM 2016 the game was still great, but it had a certain lack of variety. Really all the enemies were just "Shoot it until it dies" and repeat until the game ends. Now every enemy in the game has some exploitable weakness, like how if you shoot the cannons on the Mancubi's arms they'll come off so he can't damage you at range, or how if you shoot a grenade inside the Cacodemons mouth it'll instantly become staggered making for a quick glory kill to get a health boost. As you continue to meet more and more new enemies you'll need to use your equipment and guns in more creative ways and each part of the game's puzzle piece combat comes together.

Next, let's talk about the soundtrack. I thought that Mick Gordon could not surpass DOOM 2016's soundtrack with some fucking bangers like BFG Division. But holy shit he did such a better job with the soundtrack of this game. I honestly don't think I would like this game as much as I did if it wasn't for the soundtrack.

DOOM Eternal was not the game I was expecting, but I loved it anyway. So many parts in this game are going to be permanently ecched into my mind because of how great of an experience this game was. I can undoubtedly say that this was one of the best games I played this year. I give it a high 9.5/10

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2021
