The only word I can use to describe this game is mid, and that makes me really upset. I have been waiting for Starfield for so long, and I was so so excited for it. I was always cautious about my expectations for this game, but I guess I just wasn't cautious enough. Playing this game just made me sad. Planets are barren and boring, and so are the handcrafted areas like New Atlantis. I walked all around New Atlantis for hours, and there really just wasn't much of substance to do there, even the quests were bland. On procedurally generated areas of planets, the problems are even worse, but everybody has already talked about that, so there's no point in echoing it. The biggest thing that deters me from this game is its performance. It just didn't run well for me, despite me having a pretty decent PC. And it has no excuse looking as bad as it does while running so poorly. When you get up close to things, you can plainly see that this is a really ugly game visually. It also has WAY too many loading screens that break immersion every time you want to go anywhere or do anything exciting. Also, the fact that this game just HAS to be running on an SSD really bothers me. After I bought the game, I realized I didn't have enough space on my SSD, so I installed it on my HHD, and it was an even worse experience that it is normally. There were audio cut outs, insane stuttering, and a ridiculous amount of lag plaguing every little action I took. So, I ended up buying a new SSD to play the game on because I wanted to enjoy it that badly, and while the issues stemming from playing on an HHD stopped, the regular performance issues I mentioned earlier still persist, simply because that's what this game is. This shows that the game is just so unoptimized. I honestly wished I had just refunded the game and sent back the SSD to Amazon while I still had the chance, but I played the game for way too long, so refunding it on Steam just isn't an option anymore. Starfield doesn't get everything wrong. The combat is the same as other Bethesda titles for the most part, so I like it well enough. Some quests I did were pretty fun, just not that many of them. The good parts of this game really just don't outweigh the bad for me, and I wish they did. Ship combat felt awful in my opinion, stealth wasn't really done all too well, and there just wasn't anything all too interesting going on in this game to make me want to keep playing. Most of the content in the game really is just copy and pasted. I really, really wanted to like this game. I'm writing this review more so for closure than anything else, just so seeing it in my Steam library doesn't make me want to go back to it every time. Maybe I'll pick the game up again down the line, but right now, there are just so many other games that seem to be more deserving of my time than Starfield. At least I got a new SSD out of all this(that cost me just as much as the game itself did).

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
