I was always "fine" with Resident Evil 4. It was good. Maybe even great, and it was very goofy in a good way. "No thanks bro!", "where'd everybody go? Bingo?", "It's a good thing you landed on your butt", "your right hand comes off?" It has this very silly sense of humour mixed in with its inherent scariness. That initial stage in the village is amazing.

At the same time, its silliness rides into a turn-of-the-millennium adolescence that I never cared for. Being able to upskirt Ashley, Ashley being useless and annoying in general, Luis being annoying and having an anime face. It's a game that's both a timeless classic and terribly dated.

So as someone who's enjoyed all the recent remakes (yes, all of them), I enjoyed this a lot, and definitely enjoyed it more than the original. I did miss the line, "Your right hand comes off", but otherwise I felt everything was an improvement. Leon and Ashley actually feel like developing characters rather than cartoons. The game actually respects Ashley as a human, and where I absolutely hated her tedious section in the original, I think her section in this game was my favourite part. The way I see it, for Leon this is an action film, for Ada it's a spy-thriller, and for Ashley it's a horror movie.

I played this on hardcore first-time round as I've always been determined to do, and I had a great time, even when the game was being a total b*stard. That wrecking ball part, are you for real?! Despite being a fairly long game it all flowed very well and I enjoyed going back for treasures. Got them all first playthrough hell yeah!

Will I try and get Ashley the armour set? I might try...although I've never been amazing at these remake challenges. It's a game I probably will play again.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
