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It was only towards the end that I realised, wait a minute, this is Fallout! It was a much longer game than I was expecting precisely because of all the various Fallout-style quests.

Obviously not in the setting sense, but collecting resources, story choices, exploring the facility. It's like if you mashed Fallout 3 and Alien Isolation together.

Which I enjoy. I was worried that the crafting system would be obnoxious but it's so detailed and sophisticated I got into it. Plus I have to give props to a game that has so many destructible objects. It's really impressive from a technical standpoint.

I was enjoying getting engrossed in the weird lore, told through System Shock-style audiologs and diary entries, and while I was a little thrown by it all at the start I began to appreciate the characters more going in. If anything I wanted more human stories.

Will always appreciate a game being explicitly anti-capitalist in its storytelling, with an evil corporation exploiting natural resources and using human test subjects only for things to go horribly wrong. The most fanciful idea in science-fiction is that corporate monsters will actually meet with karmic retribution.

Enjoyed the game, and actually appreciated the twist ending. Also managed to get the gold trophy for doing the most empathetic playthrough, the silver trophy for not killing any humans and got a silver for reading all the emails, all on the first playthrough. I'm nothing if not thorough.

Obviously there was a lot of controversy around this because the voice actress was brought on after the original Ada voice actress joined a union, so thanks Capcom for being utter trash on that front. It also didn't help that the new voice actress for Ada came across so flat in the original game.

I do think she's stronger here, giving Ada a bit more personality, but whenever they replayed the RE4 cutscenes it was a noticeable downgrade. I have no idea what happened there, whether it was bad direction or bad acting.

The game itself is fun, and I enjoyed it more than the original Separate Ways which I never actually finished. It's interesting how these games are so similar to the originals, but have added little quirks that actually make them fun for me. Maybe original fans disagree, but I do generally prefer the remakes of 2 and 4.

Not a huge amount to say about this other than that I enjoyed it and naturally played it on hardcore first-time round.

I was always "fine" with Resident Evil 4. It was good. Maybe even great, and it was very goofy in a good way. "No thanks bro!", "where'd everybody go? Bingo?", "It's a good thing you landed on your butt", "your right hand comes off?" It has this very silly sense of humour mixed in with its inherent scariness. That initial stage in the village is amazing.

At the same time, its silliness rides into a turn-of-the-millennium adolescence that I never cared for. Being able to upskirt Ashley, Ashley being useless and annoying in general, Luis being annoying and having an anime face. It's a game that's both a timeless classic and terribly dated.

So as someone who's enjoyed all the recent remakes (yes, all of them), I enjoyed this a lot, and definitely enjoyed it more than the original. I did miss the line, "Your right hand comes off", but otherwise I felt everything was an improvement. Leon and Ashley actually feel like developing characters rather than cartoons. The game actually respects Ashley as a human, and where I absolutely hated her tedious section in the original, I think her section in this game was my favourite part. The way I see it, for Leon this is an action film, for Ada it's a spy-thriller, and for Ashley it's a horror movie.

I played this on hardcore first-time round as I've always been determined to do, and I had a great time, even when the game was being a total b*stard. That wrecking ball part, are you for real?! Despite being a fairly long game it all flowed very well and I enjoyed going back for treasures. Got them all first playthrough hell yeah!

Will I try and get Ashley the armour set? I might try...although I've never been amazing at these remake challenges. It's a game I probably will play again.