It was only towards the end that I realised, wait a minute, this is Fallout! It was a much longer game than I was expecting precisely because of all the various Fallout-style quests.

Obviously not in the setting sense, but collecting resources, story choices, exploring the facility. It's like if you mashed Fallout 3 and Alien Isolation together.

Which I enjoy. I was worried that the crafting system would be obnoxious but it's so detailed and sophisticated I got into it. Plus I have to give props to a game that has so many destructible objects. It's really impressive from a technical standpoint.

I was enjoying getting engrossed in the weird lore, told through System Shock-style audiologs and diary entries, and while I was a little thrown by it all at the start I began to appreciate the characters more going in. If anything I wanted more human stories.

Will always appreciate a game being explicitly anti-capitalist in its storytelling, with an evil corporation exploiting natural resources and using human test subjects only for things to go horribly wrong. The most fanciful idea in science-fiction is that corporate monsters will actually meet with karmic retribution.

Enjoyed the game, and actually appreciated the twist ending. Also managed to get the gold trophy for doing the most empathetic playthrough, the silver trophy for not killing any humans and got a silver for reading all the emails, all on the first playthrough. I'm nothing if not thorough.

Obviously there was a lot of controversy around this because the voice actress was brought on after the original Ada voice actress joined a union, so thanks Capcom for being utter trash on that front. It also didn't help that the new voice actress for Ada came across so flat in the original game.

I do think she's stronger here, giving Ada a bit more personality, but whenever they replayed the RE4 cutscenes it was a noticeable downgrade. I have no idea what happened there, whether it was bad direction or bad acting.

The game itself is fun, and I enjoyed it more than the original Separate Ways which I never actually finished. It's interesting how these games are so similar to the originals, but have added little quirks that actually make them fun for me. Maybe original fans disagree, but I do generally prefer the remakes of 2 and 4.

Not a huge amount to say about this other than that I enjoyed it and naturally played it on hardcore first-time round.

I was always "fine" with Resident Evil 4. It was good. Maybe even great, and it was very goofy in a good way. "No thanks bro!", "where'd everybody go? Bingo?", "It's a good thing you landed on your butt", "your right hand comes off?" It has this very silly sense of humour mixed in with its inherent scariness. That initial stage in the village is amazing.

At the same time, its silliness rides into a turn-of-the-millennium adolescence that I never cared for. Being able to upskirt Ashley, Ashley being useless and annoying in general, Luis being annoying and having an anime face. It's a game that's both a timeless classic and terribly dated.

So as someone who's enjoyed all the recent remakes (yes, all of them), I enjoyed this a lot, and definitely enjoyed it more than the original. I did miss the line, "Your right hand comes off", but otherwise I felt everything was an improvement. Leon and Ashley actually feel like developing characters rather than cartoons. The game actually respects Ashley as a human, and where I absolutely hated her tedious section in the original, I think her section in this game was my favourite part. The way I see it, for Leon this is an action film, for Ada it's a spy-thriller, and for Ashley it's a horror movie.

I played this on hardcore first-time round as I've always been determined to do, and I had a great time, even when the game was being a total b*stard. That wrecking ball part, are you for real?! Despite being a fairly long game it all flowed very well and I enjoyed going back for treasures. Got them all first playthrough hell yeah!

Will I try and get Ashley the armour set? I might try...although I've never been amazing at these remake challenges. It's a game I probably will play again.

It took me so long to play this because I was too scared. I started the game on hard, then left it for ages, came back and couldn't understand why the game was so evil.

Then realised I'd set the game to hard. Obviously I didn't change it to any other difficulty. I was going to beat this game damn it! So yeah, beat the game on hard first time-round. Awesome.

I love Alien. It's probably one of the coolest movies ever, so naturally I was going to be all about a game that takes the original Alien as an influence, right down to the detail that it appears to metamorphose its victims rather than use a queen.

It's surprising with games like this how you get the hang of it more and more. I started the game out terrified of the alien but as the game goes on you begin to figure out how it works and actually take chances you never would have taken by the end.

The final bit was evil because I'd almost completely run out of flamethrower fuel. The alien was becoming more and tolerant to the flames and the final part throws facehuggers at you. Got through it in the end because I luckily hadn't hidden in containers too much so I was able to use them, but yeah, wow, what a game.

I will probably attempt the DLC but goddamn it's not a game you can just mess around with.

So it may just be that I don't really care about graphic fidelity so loads of people will have picked up on whatever errors but, this game looked amazing and played perfectly. Like I am used to long loading screens for games looking this good, but here we are with my computer, which doesn't have amazing specs, playing this game smoothly and loading things instantly.

Anyway, I really appreciated this game. There's not many games set in such an alien time-period and rolling with it in such a fun way. Set in 1300s France during the Black Death, the game throws you into a world of nightmarish pestilence and violence. It cannot be stressed enough that people thought it was the end of the world during this time, so this game runs with that premise.

What if it actually is the end of the world? Obviously we all know that it was fleas on rats that carried the Black Death, but who cares? Let's make rats a terrifying force of nature that strip men down to the bones in seconds! It's exciting to see a serious setting utilise this fun game logic complete with boss battles.

I'm totally down for more science-fiction fantasy stories being told in the medieval era. Hell I just want more medieval games in general. My favourite part of this game was oddly the most quiet, when you're just walking through a plague-infested village and you see the crosses on all the doors. Little things like that are more disturbing than any jump-scare nonsense.

Excited for the sequel.

I originally played this game on PS3 and good lord is it a bastard. Took me forever to muddle through.

Then I played it on PC and beat it in two days. What an imaginative, awesome platformer.

The Alice series has quickly become a favourite. As someone who loves the original books anyway it's so cool having a really great, violent take on the story.

The series makes no bones about Wonderland happening inside Alice's head. It's a character study exploring survivor's guilt and trauma through the lens of a colourful dreamworld, with a rich variety of weapons and set-pieces.

That music, man. I can jam to that til the end of time.

I think I've played enough.

Thank you for actually having solid puzzles I could figure out. Even towards the end the puzzles are logical.

A very cool, sinister atmosphere throughout.

So I was playing Hardcore Leon first scenario and set it so Leon had the OG outfit. I completely forgot that this effected other characters, so when Ada appeared, she had the red dress on. I suddenly understood two things: one, I now knew why Leon simped over Ada so hard, and two, hardcore wasn't so bad anymore.

I'm not amazing at these games. Like I don't think I'm going to get the "Complete game in under 14000 steps" trophy any time soon, but I'm decent. I'm apparently one of the 7% to beat Hardcore Claire 2nd Run, so that's some bragging rights right there. I do enjoy it though, a lot more than the original RE2 precisely because it's actually challenging. Hardcore mode is something that you can perfect and challenge yourself on.

Replaying Standard mode is honestly adorable, which is kind of fun in its own right. Definitely the mode to use for speeding through everything as quickly as possible. I can't even imagine playing Assisted.

I appreciate a lot of little details they added to the story, like the orphanage, Ada being chased by Mr X, the relationship between Leon and Ada actually making some sense, Annette actually seeing Sherry ... I am a little disappointed that you always fight the same bosses with each character. I'm also surprised at no spiders? They managed spiders in RE1 remake, but none here, even though they also have lickers crawling on the walls? Between this and the alligator boss fight still sucking it still feels like we haven't seen Resident Evil 2's full potential.

Mr X was a stroke of genius though. Just a perfect addition to the game. Was sorely needed in the original when you could always expect numerous empty corridors. He's definitely caught me off-guard more than once.

Overall it's a genuinely fun action/horror game. I've got a lot of mileage out of its replayability and will at least try to get the Samurai Edge weapon.

I want to love this game a lot more than I do. The police station is a great setting, the alternating scenarios are interesting and (purportedly) give the game great replayability, the lickers, Mr X and Birkin are cool monsters. I want to love this game, I just...don't.

I can never get invested in the story. I should stress that I adore Resident Evil 1 and have played it over and over, but I can never get into RE2. The fact that it very clearly apes off of Aliens doesn't help (you've got a female protagonist fighting off bioweapons trying to rescue a little kid) and while the story between Leon and Ada is stronger I always feel like the relationship never fully develops. I appreciate that RE2 is incredibly unique for a PS1 game, with its alternate playthroughs and cool CG cutscenes, but the story never engages me.

RE is always pretty good at challenging new players and the best part is always exploring the locations for the first time. Like I said, I love the police station but for a game that requires you to beat it four times to get the full story, there isn't nearly enough challenging stuff for experienced players.

By the time I got to Leon B I was storming through the game. The zombies and lickers had no chance with me being flush with ammo and health items at every turn. I was always desperate for more challenging stuff to happen, for Mr X to pop up in dangerous spots, for maybe two or three more lickers to jump out at me. But it never happened. Maybe it's my own fault for not doing enough no-saves playthroughs, but the big reason why I don't like to not save isn't the enemies, it's the busywork.

Every RE game has some busywork you need to do to give the game solid pacing between action set-pieces. I understand that. But I always think there's "good" busywork and "bad" busywork in RE games. Finding small keys to open doors as Chris in RE1 is good busywork because it forces you to enter rooms you might rather avoid to get them, or you find a locked door and have to go back into a dangerous area to get to the key location. Pushing crates to cross a pool is bad busywork, because it's slow and tedious, and if you do it wrong you have to do it all over again, and you have to do it in both RE1 and 2 (it sucks in both). RE2 takes the cake with the valve handle, which you need to cross a bridge. Didn't realise you needed it? Go back through an area with spiders that no player has ever been injured by ever, return, bring the bridge down, cross bridge, think you're about to fight a alligator, then you just don't because this is the B scenario, so all you do in that section is cross a muddy pool, climb a ladder, then come to the bridge. Oh you forgot to turn the bridge again so it would be upstairs? All the way back to the valve handle you go. It is just tedious busywork. Even if you do everything right, it still takes time and presents zero challenge (even the alligator boss fight is a big let-down).

When the game is at its best, it's one of the best experiences on the PS1 but those great moments feel so few and far between, especially on your third and fourth playthrough. The challenge levels are pretty fun though, so maybe I should stick to those?