Log Status






Time Played

1h 15m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 14, 2023

Platforms Played


Whatever the opposite of rock solid is, that's how I would describe this game. The structure is perfectly fine, and the concept of a Sonic pinball game is a S-tier idea, but the execution is about as clunky as humanly possible.

The controls are near unplayable, jumps are impossible to make with how inconsistent the physics are, as is running for any specific distance. Some situations allow you to move Sonic in one way, but then when you enter a similar situation he behaves entirely differently. The game also performs terribly, at least in the Sonic Origins Plus emulation, which makes the game simultaneously look worse and also play more inconsistently.

Honestly, the only thing saving this game from a status as a complete train wreck is the admittedly impressive visuals for the Game Gear and the passable soundtrack. Just play anything else