Just Dance is always a fun formula to me, and it's hard not to have fun with any of these games. This game in particular brings impressive visual improvements over recent games however, continued from 2022 edition. The switch to a new engine is ultimately what defines this game though, much more than the maps themselves. Said new engine has issues to work through, like consistent freezing in-game and crashes, as well as lacking some established features from previous titles (sweat mode, custom playlists, world dance floor, etc.). Those issues are ultimately what knocks a star off of the best Just Dance game track-wise in my opinion. I feel like it's only uphill from here with this series, and I'm excited to see what 2024 edition has in store.

This is absolutely the best of these handheld Sonic games, in a way that very much impressed me. The art design and presentation is top notch for a system like this, with impressive animations and cutscenes, and the set pieces on certain levels (such as the train segment in Sunset Park Zone) demonstrate a mastery of development on this hardware that the previous games did not. The level design may not be outstanding, but the unique and varied special stages were a pleasant surprise. It still struggles with framerate issues and screen crunch, but overall this is a truly great game, especially for the hardware.

This game fills a very strange role in the franchise's Game Gear outings. It seems that the effort put into this title is much lower than the two before it, in terms of scope and art direction at least. The game improves on many aspects of its predecessors though, having shorter levels with less challenging level design overall to accommodate for the system's screen and battery limitations, making the game a lot more playable. The change to the Chaos Emeralds is also welcome, as well as a playable Tails. While this game is by no means perfect, it is a fun, short romp that I can absolutely say is more fun than Game Gear Sonic 2.

It's difficult not to see this game as a downgrade from the Game Gear port of Sonic 1 in every way. All of that game's issues are maintained (with the exception of the game running a little better), but the level design and personality have taken a massive hit. Levels feel designed to punish you with the screen crunch, and force you to replay the game multiple times. Much of this game's level design feels pulled from a precision platformer, but without the tight controls to make it fun. The art, however, is still very nicely done, and having an entirely original set of stages this time around is a welcome addition (even if they are all less interesting than Genesis Sonic 2).

I really enjoy this game on a technical and artistic level. What they were able to accomplish on this hardware is fantastic. The graphics blow other 8-bit games out of the water and every song on the soundtrack is great. Playing it, however, is an experience filled with screen crunch, slowdown, ghosting (on OG hardware), and an overall lackluster experience. Nonetheless, it is a fun romp, and I'd recommend it to any Sonic fan just to see how he made the leap backwards to a weaker system.

What was the point of this rerelease?? An already overpriced package of games released again physically to sucker people into double-dipping with the purchase?? Obviously, the classic Sonic games are still amazing, but the new Game Gear games along with Knuckles in CD and playable Amy Rose should have been in the game since day one, and absolutely should not cost even more money. If you haven't bought the game yet, this is the best option I suppose, but this is a pathetic cash grab from SEGA.

A very fun little Peggle minigame, unfortunately not available any longer through their website. If you're a fan of Peggle, as I am, definitely give it a go, but 100%ing any Peggle game is a chore.

A pretty solid entry that builds off of Legends: Arceus, but I feel falls short in a lot of areas. The open world is a cool concept but is very bland and, if anything, a little too large. The game also cuts a lot of features from previous games, some for good and some for the worse. The new gimmick is very fun though, and overall the story is one of the more solid ones.

A great departure for the series that really gives you a chance to explore. Fun stylized graphics, new regional forms, and just pure novelty make this my favorite Pokemon game of all time!

A functional game with a teensy weensy bit of fun. Absurdly short playtime and just plain lame level design. Definite pass.

A mid remaster of a solid game. Just emulate the original, or play it on a Wii.

A perfectly average racing game, slightly elevated by the team play. A good game, but nothing spectacular, pick it up if you want a solid racer. Pick up Mario Kart if you want a great one though.

Absolutely stellar game, great level design, great controls, visuals, audio, everything is up to snuff.

Overpriced and undercooked. The game is still good, but that's because it's the old classic Sonic games, not because of anything this collection does specifically. Mission mode is fun for what it is, and tying all four games together with a story mode is fun (the cutscenes are great, as always), but so much feels questionable, like the lack of independent Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. Largely speaking, you're better off with the various fan ports of these games.

Honestly probably the best JD game to be released to date. Still has Kinect support which puts it over 2023, and this is the first game where they really started to go in with the 3D environments and camera movements. Honestly just a ton of fun!