Mega Man 10 is a game that felt like more of a DLC to 9 than its own game. There were some cool things here but an overall downgrade to the quality here in most aspects was a bit too much to ignore.

I think the addition of the DLC characters was a cool concept and gave players an additional playstyle other than the traditional Mega Man but even then I would just rather play as the standard since I felt the game was designed for Mega Man mostly. There was apparently an easy mode here that made the game obscenely easy but it's really recommend you play on normal for the full experience.

I will be comparing it to 9 a bit here since it was made by same developer and in the same style but I will also compare it to the NES titles a bit as well. In comparison to 9, The weapons really felt short here other than the Water Shield and Triple Blade. The soundtrack here was hit or miss for me but I preferred 9's overall soundtrack as it was more consistent but in terms of the other NES games, this soundtrack wasn't actually bad as I'm sure they had more freedom being this game was released in 2010. Level design here was fairly worse than 9 but also seemed to have a reduction from spikes too. I would say this game is only a bit easier than 9 honestly.

All in all, people probably came into this expecting 9-2 and the game had some cool ideas but really didn't live up the quality and fresh ideas the development team here had for 9. With that said, this is still a Mega Man and you can't go wrong with it.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2021
