This review was written before the game released

New number, new rules, same game

Really wanted to formulate my thoughts into Overwatch 2 since despite myself having fun with the game, there's a lot the game also takes away that I genuinely do miss since the vitriol around the game almost doesn't feel like it's purely from the game but I do think it's valid all the same. I can't say much for credentials other than I've played the game for over a thousand hours and hit top 500/grandmaster one time.

The game actually feels more fun and skill based with the 5v5 format, more solo carry potential and also means death is more punishing along with the less shields in general and HP sponge enemies to worry about means you'll actually have to hit your shots more often instead of farming damage on purely tanks. Supports can focus a little less on healing as well with one less tank to worry about. I will say tank balance feels a bit skewed since they tried to make every tank a main tank of sorts and some got way better treatment than others. The new mode is pretty great and the removal of two control points is for the better. A weird thing I've noticed is that some of the hybrid/payload maps are gone like Blizzard World, Numbani and Rialto. Don't know what's up with that.

I personally don't like using buzzwords but man a lot of the stuff they did for this title feels a bit "soulless". They essentially removed a lot of the stuff that made it unique like the on fire meter, end of the game cards, and the player portraits to focus solely on battle pass progression. I personally don't mind battle pass as long as there's a lifetime progression system on top of it and that's where my main problem with this game is. There is no life time progression at all anymore, your cool diamond and gold portrait for spending thousands of hours in the game is completely gone and the only way you can get any skins is via buying the battle pass or spending an exuberant amount on the specific amount you want. This also comes with the fact the battle pass doesn't even give you the in game premium currency back for completing it which is a bit shocking considering every major battle pass in gaming does this and is better for it. I would really prefer the Apex Legends method of having the store for skins, battle pass, and having the lifetime progression of borders and getting boxes with stuff in it for crafting metal you can eventually use to get something of your choice gratis. I think there's a bit of a shock with locking heroes mostly because Overwatch 1 didn't have this at all and I think trying to pull this sort of stuff now is pretty bad. The fact that you have to hit level 55 to get the new hero is a lot of time to play without it unless you fork up the money.

I am not a fan of this monetization at all and I hope they give players a more reasonable means of getting the things they want.

Nonetheless the game is pretty fun and it brought Overwatch back from the brink from not having anything new for three years essentially but with Blizzard's reputation in the garbage from recent years and then seeing this monetization method along with my former experience of playing Overwatch for years. It's a real mixed bag for me and I hope they give in somehow. This is not even mentioning the phone number requirement and horrible queues during the launch which as of October 10th, 2022 that it has been much better in NA at least.

Make the game worth playing for people that already bought it years ago please.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022
