Despite what the title may say, this game is 100% a romance.

Going blind into this VN (having only seen a part of the trailer), I had no idea what to expect when starting this game. The only thing I knew was that there was going to be a princess (of course), and that we were to slay her.

What I didn't expect to find was a VN that was surprisingly very diverse with the routes that the player could experience. So many routes, in fact, that it was a bit overwhelming. I have not played through all of them, but from the few paths I did go through, each of them were very distinct with their own special CGs as well as their own music, which goes to show you how much care and attention the developers have placed into the game.

The voice acting in the game was also superb! Jonathan Sims does an outstanding job playing what was basically 12 characters, with all of them having unique personalities. Nichole Goodnight also does a great job voicing the Princess herself, but there are some times where her voice acting is a bit on the weaker side. Despite this, it does not at all detract from the experience.

Please give this game a try! I especially recommend this VN to those that love to find new things in routes that they have never seen before. However, be warned: there is a lot to find.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
