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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 28, 2024

Platforms Played


I didn't really like this mode in the original version of the game, but I had a ton of fun with it here!

Since the moment-to-moment combat was my favorite thing in the remake, this is a perfect slice of pie for me. It feels great to take down enemies, no matter who you're playing as. And since the game is generally pretty nice with its scoring system, I can get a good grade even if I suck! Yay!

Still though, even if this mode allows for a ton of replayabillity with great gameplay, it isn't exactly something everyone will want to play. If you're not obsessive about getting high scores, you'll likely only play through the levels with whatever characters you unlock before you hit a wall and just stop, like I did.

Overall, this is a super fun mode and, in my opinion, way better than the original; but it isn't something I'd really sink my time into personally.