Outer Wilds is the perfect example of why you should always approach games that are considered "All time classics"/"Masterpieces" with a shit load of skepticism because despite all of the praises I hear about this game I can't for the love of god even bring myself to say anything remotely positive about it

First off, who thought putting a time restriction in an exploration focused game was a good idea? The amount of backtracking you need to do because of the supernova that triggers every 20 minutes coupled with the amount of annoying unforeseeable traps that also lead to your death is absolutely ridiculous, which was also the main motivator behind killing my intrigue to explore somewhat of a cohesive world with neat ideas and puzzles.
Now onto the elephant in the room, the controls are fucking abysmal which makes simply moving around quite annoying and they had the gall to design multiple segments that revolve solely around controlling your spaceship, which I can only describe as janky. Most of the deaths in this game either happen due to poor controls, random traps that you cant see coming & of course the stupid supernova which is basically the game's way of saying "Uh oh you couldn't explore everything within the measly 20 minutes we gave you? Time to send you back to the very beginning of the game with no way to fast travel" And I have a massive bone to pick with incompetent game devs that don't respect the player's time.
The story here is also quite non-existent and the people who insist otherwise are just plain out wrong because gathering wiki articles and putting them together does not make up for a very cohesive narrative that suck you into the experience, it's jarring if anything. I also don't see the appeal of the tracks here either, they don't fit the tone of the game at all but honestly speaking they're simply just lame.

Whoever thinks Outer Wilds is a masterpiece or a timeless classic, stop lying to yourself
This game sucks

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022


1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

I concur with your general annoyance toward the time loop and death mechanics, though I think you're being pretty harsh on the movement and especially Andrew Prahlow's soundtrack which I found pleasant and fitting. Maybe I'm weird because I thought the ship controls were just fine, but I ended up using a mod to remove those damn anglerfish from Dark Bramble because carefully drifting for minutes through them was so tedious lol.

Good review overall but looking at your profile your scores in general are extremely harsh, only one game above a 50% grade jeez


1 year ago


1 year ago

> Whoever thinks Outer Wilds is a masterpiece or a timeless classic, stop lying to yourself This game sucks
No lol

10 months ago

"The story here is also quite non-existent and the people who insist otherwise are just plain out wrong because gathering wiki articles and putting them together does not make up for a very cohesive narrative that suck you into the experience"

well you know I've been disappointed by the story (the big picture), but this is just not true by any mean and if anything, it says a lot more about you that a supposedly games' issue


10 months ago


8 months ago

Think this is probably my favorite review on this site fuck this stupid ass game


8 months ago


8 months ago

The game literally tells you that using a controller is heavily recommended right after booting it up. How can you ignore that and then complain because the game doesn't control well with mouse and keyboard?


8 months ago


8 months ago

Many games - and not only Indie games, look at the Dark Souls Franchise - are designed specifically for controllers, and that's completely fine. Not every game needs to perfect its controls for every input device. Obviously it would be great if you could play Outer Wilds with Mouse and Keyboard, but critiquing the controls of the game in general when the controls are great when you use the intended input device is kind of ridiculous.

8 months ago

But seeing how many games (and movies) you rate 1/10, you're probably either trolling or just focusing way too heavily on minor negatives, which is your choice obviously.


8 months ago
