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I wanted to absolutely love this game, but I couldn't.
While the game looks absolutely amazing, the world, atmosphere and music are on point, I had a lot of problems with the overall gameplay loop.

Full disclosure, I played this on Normal difficulty and I wish I hadn't. My biggest issue was that I felt the main enemies were absolute bullet-sponges. Fights would become less of a skill requirement and more of an exercise in patience. I only died around 5 times in total in the game (3 of those being the penultimate boss which also suffered from this ridiculous issue), so difficulty wasn't a massive problem for me.
The transition from 2D to 3D Metroid was done pretty well for the most part, although I felt like the game needed to hold my hand a little more, personally. I felt completely lost most of the time after picking up an upgrade, and had to have a walkthrough on standby on occasions where I'd be wandering around for ages.
I know the game does give you a hint after a while, but even then the map is a little annoying to navigate.
To conclude, I was a little disappointed with my experience with Metroid Prime, but I wouldn't be reluctant to try other entries in the 3D series, I just think the 2D games are more my cup of tea.