Left the game around the Chapter 5 mark.
While the city is visually stunning and the art direction is iconic, apart from the music this game falls short in every department.
The movement feels clunky, there were moments where Faith simply refused to grab onto a pipe after a jump and it became a game of chance. There is no fluidity in any of the sections, they feel like you're stumbling through the game and the level design does not help.
The level design makes the intended path the developers wanted you to take so obtuse that you have to rely on hitting Left Alt the majority of the time (which works whenever it feels like).
Also on the perceptive pointing, if you execute this during a chase section while you are running, the game turns Faith in that direction, so good luck if you're trying to do something specific while you get veered off to another direction.
The art style in the cutscenes are extremely ugly, the animation makes it look like each individual body part is sentient and moves on its own in a really unnatural way. The character performances are also extremely lifeless and dry, and the story and characters lack any personality whatsoever.
I'd been looking forward to playing this game for myself for ages, and I've come away from it extremely disappointed. Play Neon White instead.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
