"The evil organisation Dark Hazard under the instruction of Professor G plans to take over the world using battle golfers!"

How exactly is anyone's guess because there is simply no way to fathom how enhanced mind controlled golfers could achieve such a feat. This really sums Battle Golfers Yui up in a sentence though, it feels half baked across the board, some great ideas but without the execution or finesse to make anything of them.

You play the role of Yui Mizuhara, a 16 year old that was kidnapped to be turned into a battle golfer (I don't know what makes that different from any other golfer either). You escape with the help of a strange man and join a golf tournament to try and find more about the organisation and rescue another girl Ran Ryuzaki who was kidnapped with you.

The main game plays in two parts and is good at neither. First is a more adventure game visual novel section and then secondly actually playing golf. The adventure section feels like a stumbling chore where you have to choose conversation, thinking or investigation options until you bumble on the right option to progress. It felt pointless and cumbersome and adds nothing to the game that a smoother cutscene wouldn't have achieved better. It enabled some conversations with two perverts and a creepy girl I could have mostly done without.

Whilst not being called mistress or being hit on by a surprisingly graphically detailed 50 year old man in a skull cap the rest of the game is actually golf. It's kind of functional but uninteresting. The mechanics don't feel that comfortable to engage with. You have your basic power bar, aim direction, occasional wind to account for and some special skills you slowly unlock. These skills can give spin, stop a ball dead, skim on water but mostly I didn't use them outside of one or two courses. The courses themselves have a few gimics mostly in their shapes though a couple have mines, water or bunkers. They get repetitive though, especially at the midway point where you are forced to go talk to the perverts again and play them again for items to progress in needless padding. Even the final battle recycles some of them just leaving a pretty rushed feeling throughout. Add into this the trial and error of knowing where your ball might go and it's kind of a mess.

So that's Battle Golfer Yui. Decent looking, completely weird and unique but also under baked, incomplete with a truly terrible but hilarious ending. A fun experiment but neither a game you play for it's story or it's golf.

+ Crazy as a bag of cats.
+ Some nice visuals.

- Adventure mode doesn't add anything.
- Golf gameplay is mediocre.
- Padded out plot.
- Ending was dreadful, but kinda funny?

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023


9 months ago

This reminds me that I finally need to play this

9 months ago

@thealexmott - Just for its uniqueness factor and to have a game called 'Battle Golfer Yui' in your played list it's worth it alone. It's not objectively good though lol.

9 months ago

Sounds absolutely perfect!